发烧红民歌Ⅰ[怀念战友·HIFI年代] CD2
01 红星照我去战斗 (Red star on my way to fight)
02 怀念战友 (Memories of comrades)
03 大海啊故乡 (My ocean,my home)
04 映山红 (Azalea)
05 游击队之歌 (The song of guerilla)
06 雁南飞 (Wild geese fly away)
07 我爱这蓝色的海洋 (I love this blue ocean)
08 驼铃 (Camel bell)
09 再见吧妈妈 (Goodbye,mom)
10 打靶归来 (Return from the shooting range)
11 军港之夜 (A night at harbor)
12 友谊地久天长 (Long live friendship)